Wednesday, July 12, 2023

Who's your soccer hero?

Everyone has a soccer hero in their life. Albeit a major league soccer player playing for the world cup, a dedicated partner who volunteers all of their time to AYSO, or the cutest and bravest niece or nephew playing out there on the 10U field, we all have a hero. 

For me, my hero is my dad. And on July 4th, he was the "Hero of the Game" for the LA Galaxy v. LAFC competition held at the Rose Bowl. Together, along with our closest and dearest 82,110 friends, we celebrated my hero in style on the eve of his 75th birthday.

Second to him, my hero would be all of the other service men and women of our great nation, including those veterans who are now dedicated in service to our AYSO community. Please don't tell my mom that she came in 3rd place. 😂

Comment below and tell us about your soccer hero or send photos of your soccer heroes to me at so we can celebrate them all!

#GoArmy #ThankYouVeterans #Hero #VolunteerHeroes

Jenelle Hamilton and Warrant Officer Tom Jones (US Army Retired) on soccer field at Rose Bowl

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